Monday, November 12, 2007

Switchback – My Learner Habits

We’re asked to declare which of the Habits of Successful Learners are, respectively, easiest and most challenging. I embrace them with equal ease; they are tried, true, lifelong “homies.” An alternative, more user-centered, less confessional (and equally enlightening) feedback request might be “Which of the Habits of Successful Learners are most important? Choose 2 and explain why you selected them.”

I would choose Habits #3 and #7.5 because they offset each other nicely. Where learning is an intensely serious activity that actualizes human potential, and breaks chains of individual and societal ignorance, play, with its power to energize and mellow, forms a critical ballast.

1 comment:

Cindy Hart said...

I read your entry with geniune interest. It made me stop and think about this: at what point in our lives do the two separate...learning and play. Children learn through play. What's wrong with us that we stop playing? I hope that this experience enriches your life and gets you playing again. Life is too short not to play.