Monday, January 7, 2008

Rollyo--Not My Taste

Although it does resemble a tasty sushi tidbit, Rollyo does not suit my search palate. I guess I don't like pureeing my peas with my carrots. I prefer bundling my trusted search sites via or a wiki, and then composing or tweaking searches to suit the individual resource. It's the amassing of the resources that represents the convenience for me, not the mass-execution of the search.

I also like to track the results that an individual resource yields; that allows me to compare coverage and identify gaps. I have used Rollyo as an auxiliary tool to identify overlooked sites or to finetune search engine comparisons, but that backup use doesn't warrant registration.
Chacun a son gout et bon appetit! (garnish with your own accent marks)

1 comment:

Fran C said...

Rollyo seems to be something more useful for patrons than for library people. Interesting to know about, but unless one does a lot of reference searching on particular web sites, not too useful on the job.